How to Perfect your Golf Swing- Blog Post #4

The topic for our interactive learning resource is “The essentials of biomechanics to consider in order to perfect your natural golf swing and avoid injury”. After searching “how to perfect your golf swing” on YouTube, I came across this video by MeandmygolfTV:

With over ten million views, it is one of the most widely viewed golf swing lesson videos on YouTube.

The two key learning concepts that is introduced video is the shape of the arc on your swing and the face position of the club. For the arc shape, the instructors demonstrate that the club should rotate around the body in a circular shape. It is important for learners to understand that you should not keep the club in a straight line as you swing through your golf swing. For the face position, it should open on the backswing and close on the follow-through. The golf club face should not be kept square to the golf ball throughout the swing.

From the MeandmygolfTV video, there are four comments I have for their video.

  • How will the learner likely respond to the video on their own?

In the video, the instructors outline two key concepts (swing arc and face rotation). After watching the video, the learner should be able to identify these two concepts. Additionally the learner should be able to identify the proper and incorrect movements of arc swing and face rotation.

  • What would the learner do after the video? What type of skill would they learn?

Once the learner has identified and understand the two key concepts, they should practice their swing with these concepts in mind. Using these two concepts, the learners swing should become more fluid and natural. As outlined in the video, the learner should start with a slow half swing, and only attempt to hit the ball 20 yards or so. Slowing down the actions and having a lighter swing helps the learner understand what they are doing wrong and slowly builds up these two skills without adding the complexity of trying to hit the ball as hard as they can.

  • How would the learner get feedback?

The instructors in the video have tripods set facing them and behind them to demonstrate arc shape and the face rotation of the club. Learners should setup a tripod facing them to practice their club face rotation. Additionally, they should setup a tripod behind them to practice their arc shape. Recording this will help the learner get feedback from themselves, but they should also share the video with an instructor to get additional feedback.

  • How much work would that cause for you? Is it manageable and worthwhile?

For the instructor, there will be some work to review the video of the learner’s face rotation and swing arc. Assuming the learner submits two short videos (one facing them and one behind them), it should be straightforward and manageable for the instructor to give feedback. After watching the videos, it would only take a few moments to provide a couple comments on the learners swing.


3 Responses to “How to Perfect your Golf Swing- Blog Post #4”

  1. I found a very similar video for my blog post which also clearly outlined the steps to performing an accurate golf swing. This is a great resource, however I can see how it may be difficult as learners do not get direct and timely feedback. I would be interested on your ideas of how to make this more efficient so that learners are not reinforcing their bad habits.

  2. Hey Ben, thanks for sharing! I enjoyed reading your post and learning about how to perform a proper golf swing. I’ve never played a full round of golf but have gone to the driving range to practice my swing, and I have to say, it is a very challenging sport to learn. This video, along with your blog post were very informative and insightful. I like how the video you chose had clear explanations and demonstrations and even included visuals. Additionally, I think that the idea of recording the learner’s swing to receive feedback is an excellent idea.

  3. Hi Ben! I can closely relate to your video, as this summer I decided that I wanted to learn how to golf. I asked my grandpa who goes golfing multiple times each week, if he would teach me and while he golfs often, he does not know how to teach what he does as it is just in his muscle memory. We have gone to the driving range a few times and after each time, I record a video showing what I learned from my trial and errors. To help teach myself, I watch YouTube videos which show the basics of the golf swing and how to recognize and correct common beginner mistakes. I like how you analyzed the video to determine what makes it helpful and why it is so popular. After watching YouTube videos on swings, I will look back on the videos that I have made which show my learning and see what I can improve on. This is a very important step to reflect on the knowledge from the videos and incorporate it into my brain. Additionally, it is great to see my progress after each session.

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